The new pension: what you need to know

On our way to a new pension system

New pension rules are in the making. The rules worked well for years, but that is changing. That's why unions, employers and the government have created new rules. Your pension also changes. You can read all about the new pension below.

The new pension in short

Want to know about the new pension rules quickly? This short 1.5-minute animation explains what will change soon.   

Reasons for the new pension

We work and live differently than before. The new pension better fits our society and how we work nowadays.

What stays the same and what changes? 

Not everything is changing. The strengths of the current pension system will remain unchanged. But some things are changing.

Timeline towards the new pension

We expect your pension to change from 1 January 2027. When will you hear more about how that will affect you?

How will it affect my pension?

We do not know yet how exactly your pension will be affected. That depends on what your pension scheme will look like in the future.

Join the debate about the new pension in 2024

Want to join the debate about the new pension system? You can! State your opinion or exercise your right to be heard.

Test your knowlegde of the new pension

How much do you know about the new pension? Do you know what changes are coming and how they will affect you? Test your knowledge of the new pension system with 10 short questions.

Stay informed: sign up for the digital newsletter

Stay informed about the new pension rules. Sign up for our digital newsletter on MijnPGBpensioen. Our digital newsletter provides news about your pension, Pensioenfonds PGB and the new pension rules.

Frequently asked questions about the new pension

  • 4. What happens to my pension if my employer no longer exists?

    Does your old employer no longer exist and did you work in an industry that was not mandated to be affiliated? In that case, the current rules will continue to apply to your pension. In other words, no new pension scheme will be agreed for you. Did you work in one of the mandatory industries? In that case, the industry will make agreements about the new pension.

  • 5. How does Pensioenfonds PGB distribute the money during the transition to the new pension?

    Everyone will soon receive a share of the money. We will distribute that money evenly and fairly. We cannot yet say exactly how much money there will be in your pension pot. This depends on the value of your pension, which new scheme your pension will be converted to and our financial situation, among other things.

    The fictitious example below shows what the distribution could have looked like if you had switched to the solidary contribution scheme during our financial situation at the end of 2023.





    Value of a pension of € 10,000 per year

    € 100,000

    € 130,000

    € 170,000

    Money in the pension pot for a pension of € 10,000 per year after distribution of the coverage ratio buffer

    € 104,500

    € 135,850

    € 177,650

    This distribution shows you how much money is needed for a pension of € 10,000 gross per year. You can also see what can happen to the money in the pension pot if we have a higher coverage ratio and a higher buffer. If the financial situation allows it, we may also be able to distribute part of our buffer.

    The example shows that younger people receive slightly fewer euros in their pension pot for the same pension of € 10,000 per year, because you get a longer return on investment on the money in the pension pot. Older participants receive a little more.