Coverage ratio

The coverage ratio shows you what our financial position is.

The coverage ratio is the relationship between PGB’s capital (assets) and the pensions we have to pay out. If the coverage ratio is 100%, then there is precisely enough money to pay all the pensions.  However, the government has prescribed that pension funds must have a buffer. A high coverage ratio is, therefore, important.

There are two coverage ratios:

The current UFR coverage ratio

The coverage ratio is the relationship between PGB’s capital (assets) and the pensions we have to pay out. If the coverage ratio is 100%, then there is precisely enough money to pay all the pensions.  However, the government has prescribed that pension funds must have a buffer. A high coverage ratio is, therefore, important.

Month UFR coverage ratio
June 2024 117.9%
May 2024 117.5%
April 2024 115.8%
March 2024 115.7%
February 2024 114.9%
January 2024 113.3%
December 2023 112.5%
November 2023 113.5%
October 2023 118.9%
September 2023 120.7%
August 2023 118.5%
July 2023 119.4%

Policy coverage ratio

This is the average UFR coverage ratio over the last 12 months. Each year, on the basis of this coverage ratio, the board decides whether or not the pensions can be increased.

Month Policy coverage ratio
June 2024 116.6%
May 2024 116.5%
April 2024 116.3%
March 2024 116.4%
February 2024 116.3%
January 2024 116.4%
December 2023 116.5%
November 2023 116.5%
October 2023 117.1%
September 2023 117.3%
August 2023 117.1%
July 2023 117.3%