I receive a pension from Pensioenfonds PGB

You receive pension benefits from us every month. It is important to know what your pension situation is, and what we have arranged for you. And, of course, what you can still do yourself.

Do you receive an orphan's pension? Click here for more information.

Overview gross and net pension

This overview shows how much pension you will receive from us each month. You will receive this overview once a year in February. Unless the amount of your pension changes in the meantime. Then you will receive a new specification. You can also see how much tax and healthcare premium you pay.

You do not receive any holiday pay

Your holiday pay is already included in your monthly benefit. Therefore you will not receive any separate holiday pay from us in May. 

What is an income tax and social insurance credit?

An income tax and social insurance credit is a tax reduction. As a result you pay less tax over your income; for example, over the pension you receive. 

Having my pensions paid out

On or around the 19th of each month, we transfer your pension to you. These are the days on which we will transfer your pension in 2024:

Friday 19 January Monday 19 February Tuesday 19 March
Friday 19 april Friday 19 May Wednesday 19 June
Friday 19 July Monday 19 August Thursday 19 September
Friday 19 October Tuesday 19 November Thursday 19 December

Do you live outside the Netherlands? 

If you live outside the Netherlands, you need to arrange a number of things yourself. 

Your annual statement

Your annual statement shows how much pension you received from us last year. You can also see how much tax and healthcare premiums you paid last year. You will need this information when you file your tax return with the Tax and Customs Administration. 

Would you like to see your annual statement earlier? 
It will be available in the participant portal MijnPGBpensioen end of January.

Change your communication preferences

If you have indicated in your communication preferences that you wish to receive digital mail, you will be notified automatically. If you do not wish to receive digital mail, you will receive a hard copy of your annual statement by the end of February. You can change your communication preferences yourself.

Association of pensioners

The association of pensioners (De vereniging van gepensioneerden) stands up for the interests of pensioners. Is there a vacancy for a board member on behalf of the pensioners? Then this association may nominate candidates. The association may also nominate 3 members for the accountability body.

Are there more candidates for board members on behalf of the pensioners than there are vacancies? Then elections will be held.