
Pensioenfonds PGB has one internal supervisor and three external supervisors. 

Internal supervision 

The Supervisory Board consists of three members and supervises the policy of the Board, the implementation of the strategy and the general state of affairs within Pensioenfonds PGB. For instance, how do we handle risks? Does the board carefully weigh up all interests? And how are the assets invested? The Supervisory Board also approves important board decisions, such as the annual report, board member compensation and the affiliation of new employers. Below you can read who is on our Supervisory Board and how they view their task as a supervisor. 


Who are the members of the Supervisory Board? 

The Annual Report (Dutch only) contains more information on the accountability of the Supervisory Board. 

External supervision 

Like other pension funds, we have three external supervisory authorities: 

- The Dutch Central Bank 

- The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets 

- The Dutch Personal Data Authority